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!! [scroll down for English]
Una de les coses que més m’interessava d’estar a la selva plujosa del Perú era trobar serps. En vaig trobar, de diferents i sorprenents maneres, però com sempre, no tan sovint com volia, i no vaig poder trobar mai una boa (veure’n sí, però trobades per altres persones): una boa “arco iris”, bonica com ella sola!
La primera serp va ser un escurçó, un juvenil d’aquell mateix any, amagat sota unes fulles de “chonta”, que just havia anat a agafar. Primera serp, primer avís!! una mossegada i jo hagués sigut història. Em va agradar que em passés, car acabava d’arribar i anava massa feliç per la selva. El vam agafar, el vam ensenyar als voluntaris per a que sabessin què pot passar, i la vam deixar anar lluny del lloc per evitar accidents (la gent insistia en anar descalça).
Vam veure força escurçons, grans, petits, verds… increïble. Al cap d’un temps, quan no estava atent, vaig trobar el primer colúbrid i corre que correràs el vaig poder agafar, ensenyar a la gent i alliberar. Va estar tot el temps al voltant de la Reserva i vam veure la serp contínuament, caçant granotes i sargantanes.
Les granotes sí que era un no parar, estaven a tot arreu i eren de totes les mides i colors, amb molts cants diferents. Amb les llanternes podíem trobar, de nit, els ulls brillants, i així localitzar-les. Cada nit intentàvem fer una sortida per trobar-ne, i de tant en tant trobàvem també alguna serp. Els gripaus també eren força comuns (les dues espècies), tant de dia com de nit, i de mides molt variables (alguns més grans que la meva mà!).
Els llangardaixos eres esquius, però també anàvem trobant-nos. Grans, petits, de tots colors… però ràpids i amb ganes de mossegar 😛
La Reserva està situada a 1260 msnm, i és molt humit, així que no hi ha tanta diversitat com a zones més baixes, només en menys de 20 quilòmetres més abaix la diversitat augmenta molt. Però no em puc queixar!! Quan vaig estar a l’Amazones no era tampoc fàcil trobar-ho tot.
Bé, la llista de rèptils i amfibis identificats és aquesta (arxiu pdf, 7Mb): Anfibios y Reptiles de Chontachaca, Mayo 2013
I podeu veure les fotos a la galeria dels rèptils i amfibis si cliqueu a la imatge de cada grup més avall 😉
As soon as I arrived to the jungle, I wanted to find snakes the most. After talking with Kimberley about it she told to stop searching, and let them come tome. Next day I found a viper just under the palm leaves I had to carry. First snake and first serious advice: the jungle is not a game. I was really happy for that, because I was being too naive. We showed the viper to the volunteers and released it far from the reserve. After that first encounter I could find other vipers, but non-venomous snakes were harder to find. After the visit to the Hospital with Marinus, we found one snake each! but I only could catch mine, a green and long garden snake. We let volunteers to touch it and we let them to live in the reserve, so we could see it again several times, eating and sun bathing. Awesome!
Frogs were all around. At night, with a torch, was easy to spot them because their eyes shine with two little spots between the leaves. We also found some vipers hunting 😉 And the toads were massive, bigger than my hand some times. Other toads were exactly like brown leaves on the ground, which makes it very difficult to spot if they don’t move.
Lizards weren’t easy to spot but they were also around the place, and on the trails, running fast as hell, and biting if caught. They were small but we could see some big in the middle of the roads, unluckily some of them were killed by cars (few cars but enough to destroy life).
Because Chontachaca is 1,260 masl, and it is very humid, the bio diversity is not as large as in lower places; just less than 20 km down the road the fauna diversity is larger, and I met some people who could show me some of this other animals I couldn’t see up there. But I can not complain at all! Even when I was in the Amazonas I couldn’t find everything easily 😛
You can download the full article about reptiles and amphibians in Chontachaca, with the list and photogrphpies of all the species we observed (7Mb pdf file): Anfibios y Reptiles de Chontachaca, Mayo 2013
To see all the photographies, click on each images to see the gallery of each group.
RÈPTILS / Reptiles:
AMFIBIS / Amphibians:
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